Shadow Problems


I'm making a model railroad and no matter how hard I try, the shadows always seem to face the direction your looking (your seeing the dark side of the engine from the side you'd normally watch the model railroad). Does anyone know how to fix this. I tried using the copy / paste tool and rotating the paste but that messed up everything and I couldn't even ctrl Z the mess so I had to quit without saving and I lost so much work. NOT doing that again. I also tried messing with the environmental settings but no matter if I changed the time of day, month, year or the color dials the shadows always face the viewer. How do I fix this?
Try changing the location of the World Origin. If it’s in the northern hemisphere, try changing it to the southern hemisphere. You can also try swapping east/west and changing the latitude, although latitude is more about the height of the sun than its direction. World Origin position is in the environment settings.

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Alright so there's a new problem. I change my environment settings to what I want in surveyor (time of day, which hemisphere, month, and light settings are the ones I always mess with) and then when I go to driver, all the settings are different. I've gone so far as to change the time to midnight in surveyor and I switch to driver and it's midday again. I have a theory though; I think that the game changes the settings I put in back to the settings originally there when I first made the map. For example, I made a map and the shadows faced south when the map spawned and it was fall in the map. I change them to face north and also change the month from fall to summer. I go into surveyor and the shadows are in the south and it's fall. So either the game isn't saving the ENV settings or for some reason its reverting to the original. How do I get the ENV settings to listen to me?
Each session has it's own settings. The environment is the "base" settings based on how you set them. Go into a session and click on the "Window" icon at top (to left of question mark) amd select "Session Options" - that's where you set the weather, date, and time for the session. Those settings are based on how you set the Environment. Click on the clock (on the numbers) to change the time.