FBX to Trainz 2019 Importer Error


New member
So i’m trying to import my own pbr models from blender to trainz using FBX and I came across an error that I have no idea how to fix at all.

“Error: FindInvalidDataProcess fails on mesh uvcoords: All vectors are identical.”

I was told it could’ve been because the UV maps have tiny dots in the lower left hand corner for some of the meshes but there isn’t any so now i’m at a complete loss and desperate for help.
Try the following:
- Make sure all objects have exactly one UV map
- Select all your geometry and then do a degenerate dissolve in the mesh > cleanup menu
- Select all your geometry and do a delete loose from the same menu
- Triangulate your mesh (using a modifier is the easiest way)

The last three steps will remove any zero area faces and any edges/vertices not associated with a face. This is often the cause of the error seen above.
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Try the following:
- Make sure all objects have exactly one UV map
- Select all your geometry and then do a degenerate dissolve in the mesh > cleanup menu
- Select all your geometry and do a delete loose from the same menu
- Triangulate your mesh (using a modifier is the easiest way)

The last three steps will remove any zero area faces and any edges/vertices not associated with a face. This is often the cause of the error seen above.

Just tried it all and it still keeps saying it.

When you say each object should only have one UV Map do you mean that like joined objects can’t have one UV Map?
Look in the object data tab for each object and you will find a list of UV maps assigned to that object. That list must have exactly one entry in it.