Game lock


Ever since I installed version 111951, I have noticed strange things happening. Namely, for reasons unknown to me, the game freezes in the surveyor mode. It stays blocked anyway until I exit this process. I checked the log and it showed me the latest messages as below. What can it be related to, because I don't know what these entries mean and how to prevent it. I guess maybe inserting a locomotive has something to do with it, but I just put it in for a while and deleted it. Besides, I only use this locomotive to control the overhead contact line as it allows the pantograph to be raised in the surveyor mode. So far it has not caused any problems. The only difference was that I did not delete it physically but I used the Undo function


This is most likely related to a script associated with that locomotive.

When the program is frozen, is there an error message buried underneath the screen?

Press the Windows key to bring up the task bar if you are running full screen. The program maybe generating an assertion error even though the errors are turned off. I had that happen before that's why I mentioned it some time ago. With that error occurring, your program will appear frozen since this break-point error prompt is awaiting interaction from the user (you).

With an error like this, I do recommend sending in a bug report using this form here:

Fill in as many details as you can and include screen captures and other information the best you can. Someone from the QA Team will contact you via email.
Unfortunately, no message was displayed and therefore I had to close the TRS process. If it were a regular event, I would understand. But I wonder why it happens so accidentally. Now I use the same locomotive to check the catenary and nothing happens, everything works OK. The fact that the script blocks the game is known and I do not use it for driving.
Unfortunately, no message was displayed and therefore I had to close the TRS process. If it were a regular event, I would understand. But I wonder why it happens so accidentally. Now I use the same locomotive to check the catenary and nothing happens, everything works OK. The fact that the script blocks the game is known and I do not use it for driving.

Ok thanks for the update that makes sense. Something might have somehow become corrupted. I recommend running a database repair. Usually, if the program is locked or crashes, things can become corrupted. This then causes things to crash or lock more and so the cycle begins. If a regular database repair doesn't work, you should run an extended database repair (EDR). To do this, hold down the CTRL-key while clicking on Repair database.