Map and Camera Mode 3


Well-known member
Running TRS19 SP1. If I hit the map key M while in camera mode 3, then the map seems to stay on whenever I go back to mode 3. Sort of in the background. Is this a feature? It will not turn off with the M key.
If you mean camera mode 3, are you sure there are fixed external cameras? Try pressing 2 to disengage map view which should remove map view completely.
I will post a picture. There is a mode 3. This is Kickstarter 2, a very nice route actually.
I have seen this before in the forums and back then I was able to reproduce it myself. It was a bug in an earlier release of TRS19 (possibly SP1 or in an early pre-SP beta but I cannot remember). I believe it was fixed in SP2. I have not experienced it since. But I could, of course, be wrong.