My route has vanished from the DLS

Hi Trainzers

I don't know if this is the correct place to post this but here goes.

I have some videos on Youtube and a viewer asked me for a link to the route as he wanted to download it so I gave him the route name but it appears to have vanished from the DLS.

When I checked my Trainz account it is still showing as one of my individual assets and available for download?

My other routes are there on the DLS but the one required has vanished!

Any suggestions?
Hi dundun92

It's kuid:448744:101300

My Trainz account says it has been downloaded 233 times.

Its still on the DLS, I have it showing up in my Content Manager. Maybe you didnt have the right versions of Trainz selected when you searched it.
Hi Hert

Yup that's it the filter was set to installed false - dum!

I'll ask the viewer to ensure his filters are correct.
