Portals not returning trains.


New member
So I have a route been working on for years. It currently has multiple portals set to
take a train into one portal and then spit it back out to a portal next to it after a set amount of time. Ive been having issues where the one portal will take train but after the timer runs out for said portal not returning the train. Ive tried reducing the timer for the entery portal and even setting the same time on the exit portal with no luck even going as fat as setting the timer to spit the train back out right away. Any suggestions? I really dont wanna mess around with loop tracks to turn trains around. (Had issues in the past with them)
You could take a look at my InstantMoveTrain driver command. Also make sure a train can successfully spawn from the requested emitting portal. Junctions, for example, can prevent it.
Na they dont have issues once the spawn. My issue is they dont respawn period. I cam try your command to see if it does help though
Yeah the train has a list of commands it follows. Its set up to be like a loop it will travel from one portal to another and comes out a portal next to the portal that it enters. From there it goes into another portal and comes out and repeats. Ill try using the rerail portal to replace one of my many portals and see what happens.
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