Unknown Marker?


Well-known member
Unusual Markings. This is the second time this happened. Had to revert to backup.

After changing some track far away from this yard, a reload of the session revealed this.

Cannot move, erase or edit the marks. A similar sized yard in another part of the route had no issues.

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I'm not sure which marker you're referring to - do you mean the yellow cross wire boxes?

If so, they're missing dependencies - you can turn these on or off in settings.


No, the orange geometric shapes.

I may have tracked this down. I had been trying SAM trees which are now listed as faulty. That was my first encounter. Then I was still searching for good Northeast USA trees and gave SAM another look. They were just what I wanted -good leaf tone and shape with no extreme change when viewed beyond the LOD texture. Plus bark area were very close, not white painted like other trees.

I can only guess that SAM trees were playing with some value but no one was using it so all ok. However, as things became more complex that value was used and N3V had to mark them Faulty.
Sorry - the perils of being colour blind!

Yes so they're the missing dependencies - in this case, the trees.

Glad you got it sorted.


Well, it was not the trees, which was a bit too odd. Instead it was tracks to close together. I tried moving tracks n the rail yard and the red "things" disappeared in that area. It would be a pain to do the entire yard by separating tracks by a larger amount. So, I looked at the worst amount of symbols and wonders if that was correctable. Moved some tracks in that area and the symbols disappeared. AND, so did ALL of the symbols. restarted and the symbols did not reappear.

I have no reason to believe this thing will not happen again but, there may be a cure if it does.
Although I find it hard to believe all those missing asset boxes vanish by separating the track further, it does appear the track is too close. I normally space them so that the spline circle of one reaches the end of the sleepers on the adjoining track. However given the multitude of problems you have, as noted elsewhere it may be more a problem of a corrupt system? Note, I know of no one else who's had that weird problem, noting also the orange boxes have no height.