Dighole Update (SP2)


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There have been a number of changes in Service Pack 2 designed to improve the reliability and predictability of how objects interact with digholes. In short, this means that long term, there should be less problems with digholes, but short term, some existing digholes will need to be "repaired".

To explain things a bit more, d
igholes are a special case asset that “remove” the terrain so that objects such as tunnels and turntables can be placed. The asset is not actually an "object" in the route, but rather digging a hole is a property of various objects affected by placing the asset.

Digholes have also been extensively used in “model railroad” layouts to create the appearance of table top layouts. Note that this “feature” is beyond the original expectations of creating small holes for tunnels and turntables, and using digholes should always be kept to an absolute minimum. For example, don’t simply dig a 400m x 1000m hole to create your “space”. It is far more efficient to lower the ground 40m using the terrain tools, and hide the steep sides with a “curtain” asset.

Digholes are not saved into the map terrain data. The hole in the terrain is generated when the dighole object which creates it is placed/becomes visible in the scene, and is removed when the object is deleted/no longer visible. So every time a route or session is loaded, the dighole is "applied" to the terrain and objects in the vicinity.

The problem with this approach is that there are edge cases where different results will occur based upon what loads first, which LOD level of the terrain is loaded when the dighole is calculated and exactly what happens when the object or the dighole is moved (especially when more than one dighole is placed in close proximity to another).

In short, the results are unreliable. To resolve these ongoing issues we’ve reworked the dighole code to try and resolve all the edge cases and provide a much more reliable format.

As a result of these changes, some items in existing routes will react differently to the presence of a dighole (generally appearing either higher or lower than previously expected, spending on how the hole was created). While the end result should be more robust, it does not match the previous behavior in all scenarios.

In these cases, the solution is to adjust the object and resave the route. Once done, the problems should be gone forever.

We are in the process of doing this for the builtin routes and DLC routes, but the issue will affect other DLS and locally modified routes as well.

We recognise this is an inconvenience but it is a big step forward for the long term reliability of this system. Thanks for your understanding,
Thank you Tony for the update on this.

You explained this well and how they interact with the route.
A good explanation Tony, but still worrying for those of us who build model railway layouts. Lowering the ground produces a slope, not a 90 degree edge which ends up being messy to try and remedy and is nowhere near as neatly finished as using digholes.
Agreed. With a 5m grid you can get the slope "close" to vertical. Where the slope can't be hidden, use digholes sparingly.
This is one of the best explanations we have had so far on ongoing problems. Wish we get so much details on many others. Anyhow, the dighole problem may be there even today, but I have learn to fix the effect using spline walls, embankments and rocks, so in practicality I can say my large route does not have these problems anymore, and it looks pretty good. But hey!, thanks a million for addressing this and bringing a solution.

Thanks for the heads-up about digholes.

Will these changes affect turntables made for and used in T:ANE routes, or only something that will be seen with legacy turntables used in TS19-SP2 and onwards?

~ Deane
So far we haven't seen any negative impact on turntables. And these changes affect TRS19 SP2 and later builds.