Steam Locomotive "dynamic" Braking


Steam Nut
I always wondered if anyone tried something like this. Figured with all the nutty locomotives and there engineers, not to mention brake failures resulting in derailments on steep grades, SOMEONE had to think of it.

Seems it wasn't used too much, my guess is the piping/ maintenance was deemed to much of a hassle. Either that or it just wasn't noticed. I could see the big N&W articulates or even UP and SP's having this system being of great use bringing a heavy consist downgrade.
I suspect that this and the "Counter-Steam" brake systems were avoided except for the special applications noted in the referenced article because of high maintenance costs and mechanical complexity, much like the more-accepted Vauclain compound system, which was phased out after a period of use demonstrated that simple engines were cheaper to build and easier to maintain.

Brake shoes are relatively cheap and readily replaced, and railways' major shops routinely replaced tires during refit, so could easily handle such incidents as occurred.

The desperation tactic of throwing the locomotive into reverse and opening the throttle provided much the same effect, typically resulting in damage to the engine, valve train etc., or its destruction.

Thank you for the reference -- new one on me!
