Creating small British towns


New member
I am in the process in creating some small British towns and would like to know the best way to set up my town square. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
That depends, is it a market town or more of a village green?

There are great little market objects you can use if its a town square like Thirsk or if its a smaller village green consider more greenery objects and maybe a cricket ground even.

Also consider registering your copy of Trainz on the website so it shows up beside your name.
Google Earth...

If there's street-view for the village, look at it from the ground, otherwise overhead views work well too.

You should get your product registration straightened out. This will ensure you receive more than a cursory answer if at all, and will also ensure we can help you with the correct product due to there being many Trainz versions with subtle differences in how things are done, this question being an exception.

Contact the Helpdesk to get your Trainz version to appear on your timeline as it does ours.
On my current route I set up a builders yard on a baseboard where I went through all the houses, shops and pubs I have in CM and popped them down onto the board so I could see what they were like, then deleted the ones I didn't like. So when I want a building I scan over them and click on the one I want. Same for Farms I have a small area with all farm type buildings.