Frozen, unselectable Track


Well-known member
Fixed: Ran a normal database rebuild. Magically two engines appeared. Deleted the them and the track section once again became editable. Another situation that lies in waiting, for the next customer. :cool:

I had a yard track with one of the available fixed consists under the Train tab on the right-hand side. I deleted it but the red and green arrows, that float above the track remain. Also, the track is now locked and impervious to all attempts at movement, deletion, modification and placement. Yes, I have a CDP, but I wasted more time on this program which is supposed to be for entertainment.
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I've had that happen before. The solution I found was to delete missing assets. I suppose running a DBR probably did the same.
I had the same problem with a track section, I could not delete, move or add to. I zoomed out to check for consists on the track and discovered an invisible train car. Copying and pasting over the track did not remove the track/consist either. Deleting the baseboard fixed it.
