Freeware becoming Payware and other 19 oddity's


Active member
Anyone else had this issue? An assets showing up as payware when you know damn well it was freeware when you last downloaded it or assets showing with a unknown location but also showing the asset name?

Yeah.......I'm kind of in that boat right now.

Honsetly, ya remove a few payware assets and delete some freeware assets ya don't need any more and the whole thing goes to pot!
This has been discussed many times before. DLC is required to include ALL assets it uses as part of the package. Any assets included in DLC is classified as payware by CM and there fore can not be modified in anyway. Not a bug but an unwanted feature.

If a creator uses any freeware asset regardless of its source this is what happens. Hence the prohibition in many licenses against use in payware.

I recently uploaded to N3V QA a list of 630 items that have appeared in CM as "Installed payware" on a clean install of TRS19 SP1. This clean install has no DLC or 3rd party payware installed at all, just Built-in and DLS downloaded assets.
Here's the thing though. When i first downloaded UMR 2020, that pickup was not marked as a payware asset but now that I've reinstalled it, it know shows up as payware!?

What the ****'s going on here?

Also, what about those last two?
This has been discussed many times before. DLC is required to include ALL assets it uses as part of the package. Any assets included in DLC is classified as payware by CM and there fore can not be modified in anyway. Not a bug but an unwanted feature.

If a creator uses any freeware asset regardless of its source this is what happens. Hence the prohibition in many licenses against use in payware.

The alternative would be to change the kuid of each asset during processing of the DLC route. That way all of the DLS assets can no longer become payware as each DLC has it's own unique kuid. eg KUIP or PUID prefix. Due to routes already relying on payware dependencies, the change would have to have an arbitrary cutoff, all payware DLC after x date now uses a payware UID. These assets could then be made invisible to Surveyor and CM so as not to be included as deps on a route. One less form of hunting angst!
This is an idea that was not approved in the 'suggestion box' whereas "bring back crashes" was... go figure.
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Most of the assets that have become DLC payware have been up dated for the newer TRS builds. The free ones are still on the DLS and if you delete the DLC package you will need the older version. Routes uploaded with the payware asset will need the older version installed and then delete missing assets. If the creator updates an asset that has become payware and puts it on the DLS it will obsolete the payware asset.
The problem is what is a base install can vary depending on what edition you buy and where. If you buy TRS19 from Steam you get any DLC included in your purchase installed by Steam. You are then given a chance in game to download any available DLC purchased from N3V through the asset download window. Buying directly from N3V still requires some amount of DLC to complete your full purchase. All in all, the issue is the rather clunky software protection scheme used to protect the program and DLC packages.
