5m digholes


New member
I need to trim 5m off the edge of my layout but the smallest digholes take off 10m. I deleted all the digholes that I intially made to lower the floor and so I have no grid to work with except what remains of my baseboard. The 10m digholes centre on the 5m spot but delete everything to the next 5m spot. I only want to delete 5m. Is this even possible?
This is why some of us now prefer to work with the full height edging splines - some disguised as cupboard doors, see the concurrent thread and screenshots about Seaton - which removes most of the faff associated with trying to create the illusion of a baseboard off the ground.
Not a model Trainz fan but you can offset digholes in the config using the snapmode tag

Where n is either 0 (default) , 1 or 2. Use snapmode to enable snapping of a scenery object to the snap grid. 0 will disable grid snapping (default), 1 will enable grid snapping, 2 will enable an offset grid snapping. Offset grid snapping will cause objects to be snapped to the grid but will also offset the object’s position by ½ the grid size – essentially positioning the object in between the normal grid lines.