Cannot setup AI session


New member
Hi all,,,,I have 2019 Platinim and I have created a route and put two trains on and I want to schedule themto run AI but all I get is the controls at the bottom of the screen for me to drive them myself, I have looked at the wiki help and when I go into driver setup mode it does not show the two trains and the option to give them orders.
Can someone please help me who has platinum and explain step by step how its done, I would be very grateful.
There are two ways of giving trains AI commands.

1. In Driver Mode from the command bar at the bottom of the screen. In TSR19 you will need to click the three dots on the bottom extreme right of the screen until you see next to the speed value two small chevrons. Click on the chevrons and you can add commands such as "Drive to Trackmark", "Navigate to", etc. The Drive To Trackmark command will only work if you have placed and names track marks around your layout. Likewise the Navigate To command needs named industries. The trains will immediately start executing the commands as soon as they are entered.

2. In Surveyor Mode using the Session Editor and the Driver Setup Rule. This is more complex and is more like programming but is a far more powerful method of using the AI. It has a steep learning curve.

You will need to read up on using the Session Editor and rules. The Wiki has a number of pages that can help you

Driver Setup - for both methods 1 and 2 above.
Session Editor - for method 2 above.

The How To guides has an entire section of creating Sessions - some of it does get quite "heavy".

It is a learning curve.
There are a lot of ways to skin a cat. The first question is: what kind of cat are you trying to skin?

Are editing the Route or are you editing the Session?

Do you have multiple different Sessions for the Route?

Do you want to have multiple different Sessions for the Route?
Why do people always pick on cats when they want an analogy of different ways to do things?

My Silver Tabby is a wonderful creature who never hurt anyone or anything (except the unwanted mouse or rat and those annoying non-native Indian Myna birds) and does not deserve such cruel references:'(
Black cats are more difficult to set up because you can't see the black text against the dark blue background. Silver or white would be a good choice.
Yes, the use of black text on the dark background was a catastrophic decision by N3V. Far from purrrrfect.