Un-portal query


Ancient Trainzer
I have been experimenting with Un-portal and I have one problem. If there is a train behind the trackmark, no train is emitted from the portal. I have tried adding signals between the train and the trackmark without success. Is it possible to overcome this problem or is that just the way Trainz behaves. I am using TRS2019 but get the same result in TANE. My reason for trying this is one of the experiments I am trying to solve the GWR mixed gauge junction signalling problem for Steve Flanders.
I have been experimenting with Un-portal and I have one problem. If there is a train behind the trackmark, no train is emitted from the portal. I have tried adding signals between the train and the trackmark without success. Is it possible to overcome this problem or is that just the way Trainz behaves. I am using TRS2019 but get the same result in TANE. My reason for trying this is one of the experiments I am trying to solve the GWR mixed gauge junction signalling problem for Steve Flanders.

This may not be pertinent but one needs to have room for at least one car behind the un-portal. (I can only speak for TS12 and TANE on that.)

Another consideration is, are you directing the U-P to emit backwards or forwards, and if so, which way the trackmark is oriented. But you've probably already reviewed that.

Yes it is emitting forward, I have a long length of track behind it and the trackmark is correctly orientated. The problem is a train being behind it at any distance.
Sorry not to be of more help. All the uses I've made or tested have been from the end of track.

Try putting in a junction behind the trackmark, set open? Perhaps with invisible track and lever?

..........Yes, that worked. I set up a one-board and ran it. An open junction behind the trackmark at a suitable distance. I used visible assets and signalled it appropriately. Train behind trackmark, no junction, no UP emit. Train behind trackmark and junction, junction set to branch, and everything popped as desired.

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Yes I have tried that already and as you say, it works. For the application I want it for (signalling mixed gauge junctions) it will work for an invisible loco which is deleted by the oncoming train but I was hoping somebody would be able to give me a solution to avoid that rather messy solution. However it looks, from the lack of response that there is no direct solution.
John - The un-portal script checks in both directions up to 1500 metres for a train on the tracks and if one is found the emit is postponed. If this is only for you then you could edit the script and disable the rearward search.

The place where the code needs editing is 6 lines from the end; change return false; to return true;

Hope this helps;
