how to chance a sessiuon into route map?


New member
im create a route, after while im do "save as" message say "new route and session" if im edit session all progress is saved...but Route dont see the progress in tracks...

means: ALL new Topography show in rename route but no tracks!!! Route still show the same progress til im save the old way... :exit -then save . if im do in UD mode looks doesnt work correctly, or im doing wrong?

regards Ern
-snip- if im edit session all progress is saved...but Route dont see the progress in tracks...

means: ALL new Topography show in rename route but no tracks!!!

It probably means that you have added all the tracks in a Session Layer instead of a Route Layer. There is nothing wrong with that but you have to always save the Session and the Route and always load the Session for editing, not just the Route. Another possibility (less likely) is that you have somehow hidden the layer that contains the track.

Dino's suggestion is probably the best.
Well, you should NOT select "save as" as this will mean a new route and session. If you are working on an existing route you should select "save" and over-write the existing route. Sessions are/should be completely separate.