MULTI IND STR 1= 10M EN generates Red Bug


The built in object MULTI IND STR 1= 10M EN generates Red Bug. Does this happen to everyone else? I can't delete it. I have a route with a lot of this object and do not wish to replace with MULTI industry new because of the length would cause track issues. Any ideas?
I suggest you track back which commodities you have recently downloaded. Make a list of those, delete a bunch of them, restart the route and see if you still get the error.
Is it no longer there? Re-download a few.
Is it still there? Delete a few more.
Keep doing so till you have found the commodity that results in this error... and then share the name and KUID so we can figure out what is wrong with it.

Or at least this is what I would do. Happy to read alternative solutions.
Good idea oknotsen, I have deleted everything from the last month still an issue but I will continue.