TRS19 - newly created layers have vanished! Am I modeling the Bermuda Triangle?


New member
I set up to move certain assets (rolling stock and vehicles) into their own layers to help organize the data for the BCSJ route.

That was yesterday.

Today the newly created layers have vanished (and so have the assets I moved into them).

Must I take special steps when creating a layer to get it to stick around? Or is this likely yet another artifact of my database issues?
However this is taking place in a newly created "clean" database.

Huh? What gives?

You likely put them into the session and now only opened the route.
Check if you can find a session that is part of the route.
You are not doing what has been said in your other thread. You must open session for edit to get back session layers and other session related information. Edit route will not restore the session information.