Missing Spine - white missing rail indicator


Well-known member
This may have been addresed elsewhere but my searcs did not find it.

The author of the route placed a thin strip of grass alongside of all the tracks. Now gone and replaced with the white tracks.
This is to serve as a missing spline indicator. However, I can see no way to identify the spline that is missing. I would likw to delete it and thus eliminate the white indicators. However, I see no way of dtermining what the actual asset was. N3V knows the ID since they used it to make the deletion. However, there seems to be no way of obtaining that ID. Now I have to spend time deleting the many/many segments of missing spline or live with lovely pure white track symbols on all the track paths.

Is there a way to remove all of the white spline indicators without wasting time manually deleting each occurance?
When I search for “missing spine” all I get are references to the Republican party in America. Try spelling properly and search on “missing spline”. There was a long thread on this topic very recently.
Use the Bulk Asset Update & Replace (Find and Replace) mode to substitute the missing spline for another spline chosen from the toolbox. (Use the white 'grab asset' tool icon to select the white missing spline indicator to get it to show as AWOL and then substitute that with another desired, non-missing spline).
If you select the "Anywhere on the route" option it should replace all instances of the current selection.
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Thanks - replaced with invisible hose. Hopefully it is a benign, non-functional, asset that does nothing.