Cab Forward/Reverse Couple


Hi all. Is there a script,command, whatever, that effects which end of a train couples to a consist. If i want an AI train to couple Cab forward (e.g. North facing), or Engine end (South facing), is there anyway to do this.

I know for multiple engines I can simply setup one engine to be reversed, but for an individual train it may be desirable to always couple either Cab end or Engine end depending on the train type and whether shunting or long haul. Sorry if it doesn't make much sense, but i have a scenario wherby an single engine sits at a whye with Cab forward facing South, and want to couple with a consist but the eventual destination is North. Despite the Whye, the AI ends up coupling to the consist Cab Forward facing South, so the train ends up pulling the consist backwards for the duration of the long haul. I would like therefore to issue a command that tells the AI which end it should couple to the consist, therefore forcing the AI to take the correct path through the Whye that will enable it to connect Engine end with the Cab forward facing North.

Hi Barry,

Try putting in a track mark that's closer to the end you want your locomotive to travel in. What this will do is force the AI to take that route rather than go the "longer" way which it really sees as a shorter path. What the track mark does is shorten the distance the AI has to travel and put the AI in a closer position to the wagon or consist you want to couple to.
Hi John. Thats one way of doing it if the consists are static. If i was to use e.g. A Portal(s) to deliver various consists to an industrial area, decouple, then the train goes off to an exit Portal leaving the consist, but the destinations for final delivery are different (e.g. North/South), the AI in the Whye would need to be able to pickup the consist at whatever end depending on the final direction for the destination. If I may suggest something like instead of the command 'Couple' followed by the truck number, a command such as 'Couple Forward' then give the Consist number, or 'Couple Reverse', then give the consist number, would force the AI to attach to the required end of the consist and be in the correct configuration with the Cab Forward facing the right way.

I'm saying 'Cab Forward', not that i'm using Steam Loco's built in a Cab Forward configuration, but rather as a way of describing all trains whether electric, diesel, or Steam :)

I hope this helps in clarifying what i'm trying to explain. Thanks for the reply.
