What's the number for?


Steam Rules OK
Since using TRS2019 I've noticed a number in the active driver command window. If you look at the picture below it's on the last command on line 4.
I realise it is a counter and specifies the number of commands allocated to that driver (you will see that driver has 73 commands) but why is it necessary?
Is there a limit to the number of commands? And, if so, what is it?
Or was it somebody doing the programming that thought it would just look good?
I will be very interested to know if any body has any bright ideas.


I don't think we're supposed to see that.

It doesn't matter anyway because it doesn't seem to affect anything.
It would be good to know why it's there though.
If there is a limit to the amount of commands given to a specific driver surely knowing the limit would help to avoid reaching it, rather than the frustration of doing all the programming to find it doesn't work.
