Unreadable packages


What should I do when rebuilding the database I get the following error message on som packages:

"Unable to read package 'XYZ'"

Simon the newbie
Yes, of course but should I manually delete them and will they be redownloaded?
TNX Simon

Yes you can do that.

1) Delete those folders.
2) Go into Content Manager and run a database repair.
3) In T:ANE/TRS19 you need to go to File menu and choose Download purchased content (or whatever it's called). For TS12, I think this is done in-game, but I can't remember.
4) When you start (T:ANE/TRS19) the content will download again. TS12 should be downloading the stuff automatically (I think).

Hope this helps a little. The cobwebs are getting a bit thicker with TS12 since I haven't used it in ages except for converting old routes.