Change map directions when merging


Active member
Q: Is there a way to change the route map from North to East or what ever when merging maps so that it will line up in the new direction?
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Q: Is there a way to change the route map from North to East or what ever when merging maps so that it will line up in the new direction?

The only way you can do that; is to merge the smaller route adjacent to the larger route.

THEN, add one baseboard in the direction you want to go, to the larger route.

This then gives you the opportunity to 'copy, rotate and paste' one baseboard size from the smaller route onto the new larger route.

Once that is in place, delete the baseboard you took the copy from, and then repeat the process again adding one baseboard at a time.

By the time you have finished, the smaller 'merged' route would have been deleted.

It's then a simple matter to re-join any broken track between each baseboard.

It's a slow process, but in the end you'll have the route running the way you intended.

Good luck.

This is about 400 base boards between the two, so I guess not going to happen.
Thank you for the info
You should be able to turn a route you want to merge, it is already loaded, this should be the next thing to work on.
When copying, rotating, pasting, you are not limited to one baseboard at a time. How much you do each time is probably dependent on how much horsepower your PC has.