Location of The Manual?


Well-known member
I saw this in a message - Read the manual, page 155. - . I can't find any thing with a page number. I thought I would just play new user/customer. Go to official Help and you are directed to the official Wiki. In my opinion the Wiki is not well structured as a source of help for a specific product. It seems to be best for fulsome descriptions of specific items. It is to easy to click on the wrong thing and end up in a dead end. So I have never found Page-155.:(
I saw this in a message - Read the manual, page 155. - . I can't find any thing with a page number. I thought I would just play new user/customer. Go to official Help and you are directed to the official Wiki. In my opinion the Wiki is not well structured as a source of help for a specific product. It seems to be best for fulsome descriptions of specific items. It is to easy to click on the wrong thing and end up in a dead end. So I have never found Page-155.:(

That was I believe referring in error to the TANE manual, there is not one for TRS19, have to use the online help and the Wiki, although many parts of the TANE manual are still relevant but not helpful if you haven't got TANE.