To NorflokSouthern37 - re signals


Active member
Hey - just wanted to say thanks for all the hard work over the years, and especially how much I appreciate your work with the signals, specifically the Vader type. I use these pretty much exclusively, and really love their program-ability. Not sure what the reason is, but even though they worked perfectly in TANE, for some reason, TRS19 doesn't seem to support them. I've submitted a ticket to the help-desk, and they're still looking at the things, but said the problem is the way they were scripted or something like that, which stops them from working in TRS19.

The specific problem I'm seeing is that when placing a NEW signal on the route, the properties box (interlocking/advanced) only shows titles, and none of the fields below. The strange thing is that if I open the properties boxes on signals that were already in the route, they still show up properly, though I've also noticed that those parameters were not being saved, and reverting back to the blank fields.

Just wanted to pass this on, as I'm not sure if you had heard of the issue.

I really hope this can get sorted out, as I rely on these signals because they look so good, and can be programmed to do specific things.

To wrap things up, just a little request - is it possible to create a 3-3-3 Vader signal for overhead gantries? That's the one signal I'm missing and have had to compromise with other types instead.

Once again, thanks so much for all your hard work!

I am not sure if this is relevant but to get scripts in Jointed Rail signals working I had to change compatibility mode in Settings/Dev to maximise compatibility . . . . hope this helps
Thanks for the reply. I'm pretty sure this is more of a problem with how TRS19 reads older scripts. I submitted a report to the helpdesk and they said it's because the method used by the creator doesn't work so well with TRS19. I already have everything set to maximize compatibility, so I don't think that's the problem.

I really hope this can get sorted out somehow, as I won't be able to release the latest version of the UMR without a suitable, modern signal system.
Fingers crossed!
I will investigate.

I wish they would say something more useful than I did something wrong - Maybe give me a little clue as to what that means since I don't know what method doesn't work so well or why.
Having the same issue in tane with the the latest beta version. Also the signals that use rrsignal script are having the same issue.
If it would help, I can list the issues I'm having. Let me know. These are by far the best signals in the game because of their program-ability. I can't say enough how much I appreciate your hard work NS37! Thanks for everything, and have a great Christmas!
Just a bump here - wondering if any progress has been made on these Vader signals. If it would help, I could maybe get in contact with the help-desk again to try to find out a bit more info.