Need Info on Signals


Can someone tell me what lights i need to use with this gantry? Safetran 2t 3h Signal Gantry- 2:45324:24800:2 . Thanks for any help.
There are some Safetran signals that will match by Norfolksouthern37, Justin Roth, and rrsignal. The JMR and rrsignals are interchangeable while the NS signals are not due to script differences so pick one and stick with them.

Being a 3H-gantry I will assume they are for interlockings and use a 3H advanced signal - these have name boards underneath heads for names and numbers, or an interlocking signal.
Also, what I have done in the pass for signal research is gone to youtube, and type signal name, etc and ususally a vidoes on how-to emerges, some with explaantions as well!

Kind regards
Well this is what I used, but all I get is red signals. I have no idea what I'm doing.
The signal on the left should be a 2-headed diverging signal (without the sign underneath). The sign indicates the signal is a permissive or advanced signal.

Also it appears your very last switch is not set for the same route as the switch is near this signal and that explains why you have all red.
Thanks a lot John finally getting there a little at a time. How far a part should I put signals. I set some at where I would need them, but between some seems to be a far distance. Should I split the distance between the ones that is far apart? Thanks far the help.