monitor or setting issue?


New member
Hello and thank you for taking the time to read this. I am running T19 with an 11 gig 1080 graphics card. At distances the image is very pixelee. Solid lines appear dashed. For instance, at close range, the railing on a diesel engine are clear, but at a distance it looks like yellow tape is wrapped around it. The shadows on crossover hand rails are clear but when I zoom out they are dashed. Grass up close is clear but when I zoom out it gets very fuzzy. Is this a monitor issue?
Probably the Trainz visual quality settings causing this.
Suggest change the Draw Distance to 15000 m and then experiment with the Post Processing settings. Set Antialiasing to 8x.
(First, set fog levels to zero for the daylight time-interval you're manipulating in Environment Editing mode so that clear distant views are indeed possible).
Take Post Processing off the 'Ultra' default (which distorts both near and distant scenery and locomotive details a good deal).
Try setting these to 'Manual' by bringing up the Post Processing settings dialog from the Developer menu and then adjusting each PP element manually whilst viewing the scene you want to adjust.
Main culprits will be Depth of Field, SSAO, FXAA, Bloom, nvBloom etc.
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