Faulty -- KS rewards?


New member
Went into MANAGE CONTENT, to see if I could do anything about problem report elsewhere (which is back, by the way). While there did a filter/faulty AND was surprised to have a listing of 5 items, all related to the KS content that had Missing Dependencies. In each case I was able to DOWNLOAD and solved problem. Has anyone else seen this. My version is just what I got for my $70 investment.
Went into MANAGE CONTENT, to see if I could do anything about problem report elsewhere (which is back, by the way). While there did a filter/faulty AND was surprised to have a listing of 5 items, all related to the KS content that had Missing Dependencies. In each case I was able to DOWNLOAD and solved problem. Has anyone else seen this. My version is just what I got for my $70 investment.

I've had that with a few things off and on, but that usually means the stuff wasn't including in the package. With TRS19 still in jelly mode right now with stuff changing and being updated, this doesn't surprise me that stuff was not including in updated packs and is required from the DLS. The good news is at least the parts are easily available.
You make a good point. I just found it kind of surprising. I'm guessing when we get to the "final release" of TRS19 there won't be such things.
As far as I know we haven't released any DLC packages that have any missing dependencies. It is possible that your download did not complete fully, or did not install all the items correctly.

Another possibilty was that as a betatester of our DLC items, you installed the betatest version rather than the live version. I've removed the betatest version of KSC from your account. If you wanted to uninstall SC025 folders, rebuild your db and redownload you could prove me right or wrong :)
Excuse me, but what are SCO25 folders?

Those are the package folders associated with the KS rewards train.

These packages are located in your data folder/Packages, and are the same in T:ANE as well. My data is located on F:\TRS19_data so the packages folder will be in F:\TRS19_data\Packages, for example.
I've decided that I need a fresh staart -- wipe out my 96191 build, and re-install 96000 from scratch (and try to remember to make a back up). So I lose a few hours of work on my session, since I'm retired 'tis not the end of the world for me. AND, I have the advantage of knowing what I was doing which will make it easier to get back going.