Problem with my username



I installed TAne but always got the message "Unable to autorise...". When I went to Helpdesk, I followed the instructions, but it still does not work.

So I tried to open a ticket, but I cannot login for a ticket with my username "Pängel_Anton" because of the mutated vowel "Ä". Probably this vowel also causes the problem starting TANE? Can somebody help me changing my username or where else can I open a ticket?

Thanks in advance, Kay
Only N3V can sort that - you may need to create a temporary account without any special characters and use that to submit a ticket relating to the problem username.

We need N3V to hurry! We can not have the creator of masterpieces like the Niddertalbahn, Braitemont and Weistritzbahn not being able to log in.
Like with the scripts and other things Trainz has problems with special characters like the "accent" "accent circonflexe" " é è î ï à " etc