SW1500 question


New member
Hello gentz,

I own several JR EMD SW1500s and wondered if there are any custom cabs available for this model. Any help appreciated.
If they are the ones whos mesh is by MSP (McHawkman) you can download his cap for the SP SW1500 clone it open the one that you would like to have a cab lor in explorer copy the tga 1 and 2 files for the fody and past it to the cab file give it a new mname in the config file and commite the cab then add the cab you just made to the unit that you wanted to make the cab for, I belive that somewhere on this forum their is a post that explains this in more detail, I just dont rember where it is.
Hang on... The sw1500 by JR doesn't have a custom cab?

What does it have? I was considering getting it