Screenshot of The Week: June 7 to June 14 2018 (No Theme)

Submissions are now closed. There are 17 entries so please vote for up to 2. Voting ends June 21; please post your votes below.
This has been a fine selection of high quality work, I didn't lower the tone by entering this week :)
It is very difficult to chose, but here's my choice..

clam1952. L&B is a subject close to my heart.
trainboi1. there's just something about the composition and atmosphere of the shot, smple but effective.
Gosh, how do you choose from so many great shots,... everyone deserves a prize.

In no order, my votes go to,...


Voting is now closed.

4 trainboi1
4 piere
4 whamm0
4 clam1952
3 ekankal
2 atheramaja
1 rizky_adiputra
1 normhart
1 kurotrick