Need help with wheels


New member
So I want to swap out the wheels of the MOW pieces below with more realistic looking versions and have some reference files but no idea what type they are to look for. Any help appreciated.



Hello Railhead001,
I take it they are not your assets. So the first thing is to contact the content creator. You need to do this to see if they will allow you to change out the wheels to create a new asset. Second if you get permission then you will need to create the bogies/wheels in a 3D program to be able to export them into trainz and create the news asset. Thirdly Good Luck.
Hello Railhead001,
I take it they are not your assets. So the first thing is to contact the content creator. You need to do this to see if they will allow you to change out the wheels to create a new asset. Second if you get permission then you will need to create the bogies/wheels in a 3D program to be able to export them into trainz and create the news asset. Thirdly Good Luck.

If he want new bogies, he may do that.
If he want to give the train a new color, he may do that.
As long it is for private use!

How many forum police do have here?
