Train Derailment in Dade County, Georgia

[FONT=q_serif, Georgia, Times, Times New Roman, Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro, Meiryo, serif]Apparently there were 117,517 derailments in America between 1970 and 2016. Many very small of course but that seems horrific?[/FONT]
Considering I live in a state that's bigger than England (and its not a particularly large state) and that's 1 of 50, the laws of probability are not in our favor. Scotland almost fits in it twice fold!
Yes you live in a much bigger country bnfsc but even if one allows for that the sheer number of happening based on mileages and so in even regionally is a terrible high thing over the pond. Do other big countries like China or Russia have the level of crashes? They don't and there is an very obvious rail problem in the US.Even if you divided the massive stats I listed and compared to elsewhere including here you have a frightening shocking situation.