Trainz Trivia Question: What is that honeycomb over the edge of a piece of ground?


Active member
The honeycomb is that dark vertical structure with a bunch of elongated black holes like Swiss cheese when the camera look toward the train board edge. What function does this graphic object serve in the software? Perhaps it looks more like a car's radiator than a honeycomb.

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It is the "Edge of the World". Beyond there be dragons!

Somehow I always believed the world was square and need to be careful if you get too close to the edge - a never-ending drop. Now I'm sure.

I wonder,... maybe the people who live there could be the same shape.
The honeycomb is a well proven architectural support for many portions of the Earth's surface after the extraction of oil, gas, gold etc. It prevents sinkholes. The reduction of the Bee population can be traced to their use in this endeavor.
Lucifer XX
I managed to drive Windwalkr's drivable car off the edge and, as I recall, it just hung there in space.

Futurama has giant space bees so maybe they inhabit that space so bee careful of deep sinkholes. :D

The real question though, is when you build a tunnel in a route, why don't you see honeycombed caves?
You know, back in TRS2006, I got the track to do something really weird. It went off the edge of the world in a HUGE vertical loop! Vertically, the sections do eventually end and that "honey comb" texture is more of a "support" texture because without it, we would have very thin ground. There wouldn't be anything under the surface ground and that usually looks very odd in most simulators when you see the ground is paper thin.
Generally, people don't actually view their trains while they are driving near the edge of a board and with the camera facing in toward the edge. But yes, it does look more appealing when working in Surveyor near the edges to have a third dimension to ground: depth.
The honeycomb is that dark vertical structure with a bunch of elongated black holes like Swiss cheese when the camera look toward the train board edge.
It's not honeycomb. Honeycomb consists of hexagonal cells aligned along three axes corresponding to the pairs of faces. These are elliptical cells aligned along two perpendicular axes.

If you want to clutter up the forums with useless irrelevant trivia, please get it right.
A question that has been with us since time began
That's where the Gremlins live
When they work out how to fill in all the holes with service patches
Trainz will work error free
