This might be me being dumb, but..

Hiya all! This might seem like a silly question, but how do I expand the space that I have to build on in surveyor. I just have one little square. How do I make big routes?
While in surveyor click on the top icon on the right of your screen then at the bottom of the small window there is an icon for the ground with 10m shown as default.
click on that small icon then click just over the edge of the existing board. Be very careful which side you add ground to i.e. North, South, East or West because you cannot turn the map after forming it.

Hiya all! This might seem like a silly question, but how do I expand the space that I have to build on in surveyor. I just have one little square. How do I make big routes?

In Surveyor expand the top button for topography and then click on the add ground button.
Once you click on the add ground button you need to click on the original square side you want the new one to be added too.
While in surveyor click on the top icon on the right of your screen then at the bottom of the small window there is an icon for the ground with 10m shown as default.
click on that small icon then click just over the edge of the existing board. Be very careful which side you add ground to i.e. North, South, East or West because you cannot turn the map after forming it.


Not sure what you are saying for sure, but you can add base boards as easily as deleting them, just be careful, if you delete a baseboard, everything on the base board goes away with the board. To turn the map after forming it use the left and right arrows. The 5m grid provides a higher level of detail than the 10m grid, but may use more resources, so you may want to experiment with that setting.

To undo these changes, it is best to save a copy of the route with a different name before adding or deleting baseboards. It makes it easier to revert back (start over) if you mess up.
Using the left and right arrows will only change the view direction.
If you have tracks on a baseboard going East - West you cannot turn the board to make them go North - South.
