Leaning signs


New member
How can I make a sign lean?... Trackside, rr crossing, road signs, etc.
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I places what you said in the config file.... is there a particular place or do I need to delete something?? Thanks, Hal
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An example is show below. use shift and the rotate button.
username "Vehicle_Austin_Cambridge"
kind "scenery"
trainz-build 2.9
category-class "VL"

mesh "cambridge.im"
auto-create 1
light 1
height-range -10,50
rotate-yz-range -90,90
username-pl "Pojazd_Austin_Cambridge"
description-pl "Austin Cambridge, rodzinny sedan z lat 50. i 60. w Wielkiej Brytanii i Australii. Stworzony przez BMC (British Motor Corporation), która później przekształciła się w British Leyland."
username-cz "Vozidlo_Austin_Cambridge"
description-cz "Austin Cambridge, rodinný Ä�tyÅ™dvéřák oblÃ*bený v 50. a 60. letech v Británii a Austrálii. VyrábÄ›la spoleÄ�nost British Motor Corporation, z nÃ*ž se pozdÄ›ji stala British Leyland."
username-es "VehÃ*culo_Austin_Cambridge"
description-es "Un Austin Cambridge, un sedán familiar que se usó en el RU y Australia en los 50 y los 60. Fabricado por la compañÃ*a conocida entonces como BMC (British Motor Corporation), que posteriormente se convertirÃ*a en la British Leyland."
description "Austin Cambridge, a family sedan from the 1950's and 1960's in the UK and Australia. Made by the then BMC (British Motor Corporation) that later became British Leyland."
author "Peter Villaume (pev)"
license "No restrictions other than acknowledgement of original authorship"
contact-email "pevguitars@optusnet.com.au"

image "cambridge.jpg"
width 240
height 180
kuid <kuid2:83500:100099:1>
