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I ran into a problem with the Loco usra 2-8-8-2 and the NP 2-8-8-2. The rear set of drivers just slide. Has any body had that problem yet? Can this be fixed? Thanks funnnyfarm
As far as I know there is no permanent fix. There is a solution though. You need to force a reload of the assets. I do this by jumping to a random part of the map then by using the HUD to select the locomotive and jump back. If your far enough away the assets will reload and the rear drivers will be turning once again.
Hello, funnyfarm!
I have experienced this problem on several articulated steam engines, and researched and implemented a fix that has, so far, held up. As I recall, the fix involves tinkering with the config.txt files of the relevant bogey assets. I'm away from my Trainz machine just now, so I don't have the details available. I've emailed a reminder to myself to post the info later this evening.
Hello, funnyfarm!

Here's the notes I made to myself for correcting the "frozen rear bogey" problem:

"The fix was found in a rather obscure forum thread, and involved editing the affected rear bogeys. The correction is implemented by editing the bogey's [bogey name]lm.txt file, in which an animationCutOff = xxx attribute is often specified. The forum thread explained that this attribute didn't actually do anything prior to T:ANE, but folks didn't notice because the whole function of the attribute is to suppress animation that is too far away to be seen. A difficult thing to test, really! The solution was either to reduce the attribute's setting to a very low value (e.g. 0.01), or simply delete the entire line. I tried the former, more conservative, approach and garnered only partial success. So, I then implemented the more radical approach, and my articulated locomotive rear bogeys no longer have an animationCutOff = xxx attribute in their associated [bogey name]lm.txt files."

Two examples of rear bogey's exhibiting this problem are:
<kuid2:243294:1303:1> USRA 2-8-8-2 rear bogey, which includes a usra_mallet_rear.lm.txt file that required correction, and which is used by the <kuid2:243294:1299:2> USRA 2-8-8-2 TS12 locomotive, and
<kuid2:96914:50166:3> AG Rear Engine, which includes an ag_rear.lm.txt file that required correction, and which is used by the <kuid2:96914:1602:3> VGN class AG locomotive

This fix has (so far) permanently corrected frozen rear bogeys on 5 articulated steam locomotives I enjoy operating. Without the fix, I was ready to give up on running these awesomely cool locos!

My preference in making this kind of fix is to clone the asset to be modified, and edit the cloned copy. This way, if the original author pushes an update, my modifications don't get over-written. If you do clone the bogeys first, you will then also need to edit the locomotive config.txt files to use the cloned bogeys. Of course, you would do this on clones of the locomotive assets to protect the modified bogeys from pushed updates.

Hope this helps!