Track laying / Trackside objects Problem


Active member
Hello all,

I have the following problem, described in the below video.

When I lay tracks, and connect them to the current track, trackside objects change position. I have a couple of vertexes between the end vertex and the position of the trackside objects, so I quite don't understand why this happens. Depending on the direction in which I lay the track, those trackside objects change position.

I made this video to explain better.

Looks like the ol' track direction urban myth has finally come true: "I always lay my trackage in the intended direction of travel, no exceptions" ... many have said that this urban myth is totally unfounded !
You don't indicate which version of Trainz, but this was definitely a problem in TS12, which was worse before SP1 where assets would "disappear" from their placement when spline segments were added to the track. They didn't actually disappear but instead moved down the spline like a string of beads to the very end of the section. I once had a whole lot of signals, speed limit signs, junction levers, and bridge abutments appear missing. I added them back in and later found the originals all stacked up against a bridge as though the route was tipped on end and they all slid into place.

With TS12 SP1 this issue disappeared, and with T:ANE it's not there as well.

As far as changing directions and the urban myth, Cascade, this was supposed to be an issue with AI drivers and has nothing to do with trackside objects which will change direction based on the direction the spline is laid. This is why the assets rotate tool is available to turn these around to ensure they face the proper direction. Laying track in the direction of travel ensures that these assets are placed in their proper direction and the extra step required to flip them around is unnecessary.
I use TS12. Build 61388
The solution I found, is to leave a "track gap" between the sections. I am trying to stick to the track direction, one track is always pulled from right towards left, and second track is pulled from left towards right (central point being one of the big stations on my route). But sometimes, especially when I create another station, I don' stick to this rule (by mistake most of the times). So I hope that by leaving this gap I can build the route without the fear of losing trackside objects positon.
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