Wavy Track


New member
On both Sim 12 and Tane, the track about a hundred yards in front of any loco seems to lock into focus; it's a constantly moving track distortion. Using a Nvidia 970 card and have tried adjusting settings over and over. The track further out is a sorta blur with it snapping into focus a little ways in front of the loco; kinda distracting. Any ideas about what to do? Thanks. Guy007
On both Sim 12 and Tane, the track about a hundred yards in front of any loco seems to lock into focus; it's a constantly moving track distortion. Using a Nvidia 970 card and have tried adjusting settings over and over. The track further out is a sorta blur with it snapping into focus a little ways in front of the loco; kinda distracting. Any ideas about what to do? Thanks. Guy007

This may have to do with the LOD targets used in the track and maybe the Anisotropic settings as well. I generally set this in my NVidia Control Panel to the default settings and have had fairly good performance and looks. You could try this and then tweak the Anisotropic settings and see if that works.
Hey, thanks very much. I've been playing with the Nvidia settings--what a complex world. Graphics have improved, mostly because I set every setting I could to "Let the application decide." Some routes still have wavy tracks but others are pretty stable. So thanks again. Guy
You're welcome. I'm glad this worked for you. It sure is a complex world, and some of the settings can really affect performance either way, which I found out the hard way once. I agree the default, let the application do its stuff, works most of the time for me too.
