compress train files

Usually compressing files will actually make a program run slower as it needs to decompress the files first before being able to use them.
ohhh i just thought it runs slow because the number of files it have to look through and does turning them to im files and tga files make it run faster
It depends on the operating system, your system and the hard drive. If you mark the drive as compressible then its slower writing to the drive but faster reading if you have spare CPU cycles available so if you have 12 gigs or more of memory and a 4 core or more CPU then you might see a small improvement in how fast things pop up. I don't think you'll see any faster frame rate.

The .im files are the mesh and the .tga files are the texture that gets applied to the mesh. When imported into the game the .tga or BMP or .jpg files are compressed to 25% of the .tga file size. N3V have a slightly different way of holding the texture for the built in assets that compresses the texture files.

Cheerio John