New Sun Rail in Orlando Florida


Hello Everyone, I wonder that new locomotive came from Motive Power. they use recycle retired freight loco and I got from another forum, said " The SunRail unit is a recycled ex-MARC GP-40 with new cab", Whoa!!! that mix GP-40 body and F59PHL cab!!!! What you thought about it????

ps I think that sd45 body not gp40 no idea what I looked on gp-40 flat side on back sd45 is angle top of radaitor hood



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The rad/hood extension is for the HEP. Unlike other passenger loks, these have a separate engine turning the alternator. And yes, the rads were recycled. And if it came from MP, then it would have a new MP cab. Don't believe any F59 has been scrapped yet, as if the fiberglass nose could be reused.
When I read about these, I thought there was no way they could look worse than I imagined. I was dead wrong.

We have a screenshot of the week competition. I think if there was a quote of the week competition, this one would have to be a winner. :hehe:
It's like Sunrail showed up at Motive Power's door with a truck full of parts and asked, "What can you make from this?"
They are odd looking. I can't quite figure out what it is that makes them weird.

I smell a gimmie request coming along soon (tm) for one of these. :)

They are odd looking. I can't quite figure out what it is that makes them weird.

I think it is that the hood says "freight loco", while the cab says "passenger loco" yet it doesn't look like either one.

Maybe we can take a hood from an MP36 and put it on....... oh wait. The MP36's that keep getting started are all vaporware. :'( Never mind.