Please help


Pony lover
I could use some help. So whenever I got onto TS 12 for my PC, I want to try multiplayer. But there were 3 assets I had to download first. 2 out of 3 worked but the final one, "hp gras 8" I think it was called, won't install. When the blue download bar reaches the end it just stops. It won't finish it's download so I can't play multiplayer. So if you could, please help me.

This is built-in content. Look for "HP-Gras08," kuid2:68787:21649:11 in the Content Manager or on the Download Station.

I am more worried about how this is missing than over how to restore it.
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It may be missing because the kuid in the route config is an older version of it. Most likely the built-in one, so it is not seeing the newer version. Check the map config.
The built-in routes ask for version 11, which is the one in the DLS, and therefore the latest version. The location of all prior versions are unaccounted for (i.e. appear as a "?" in asset versions listing).

AlphaP, if it appears as modified in the Content Manager, you should revert to the original.
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