Spline Headache - how to upgrade assets that use 'divider' tag


Ambling on the slow line
I'm trying to upgrade the spline asset cxx Fabrikmauer, kuid2:243555:30500:1, from build 2.0 to 2.9. It's an old brick wall and incorporates a repeating pillar every five metres. I've done the usual spline conversion stuff by creating a mesh table and the use of the 'track' tag. However, as you can see, it doesn't look quite right:


The original is on the right, with its repeating pillar, and my revised version on the left - no repeating pillar!

The original build 2.0 config has the tag:

divider                                 "pfeiler"

where pfeiler is the mesh for the pillar (which is also the initiator and terminator).

I believe the tag 'divider' has been obsoleted in post TS09 versions? In which case, how does one get a subsidiary mesh in a spline, like a pillar in a wall, to repeat?

Here's the current state of the config I'm using for the revised version of the wall (And many thanks to Christian (chwerwick) for giving me permission to revise his asset):

kuid                                    <kuid:234086:101146>
username                                "Lavenham station wall"
kind                                    "track"
trainz-build                            2.9

    mesh                                "mauer.im"
    auto-create                         1
    light                               1
    mesh                                "pfeiler\pfeiler.im"
    auto-create                         1
    light                               1
    mesh                                "pfeiler\pfeiler.im"
    auto-create                         1
    light                               1

  mesh-length                           0.6
    mesh                                "end"

  mesh-length                           0.6
    mesh                                "start"
istrack                                 0


  mesh-length                           5
    mesh                                "default"
category-class                          "SF"
category-era                            "1950s"
category-region                         "UK"

Can anyone help? I'm stuck! (and so, consequently, is my Lavenham route.)

As you say there is no equiv of tag divider at TB 2.9 or higher.

I think one way round using the new format is to consider the wall is made up of:

1. a start mesh (end-prev) consisting of the first pillar,
2. a central section that has the wall followed by a pillar, and
3. an end section (end-prev) identical to the central section NOT the start mesh.

So in your example config

1. Start uses pfeiler.im,
2. Default is a modified mauer.im that incorporates a pillar identical to pfeiler.im, and
3. End uses the modified mauer.im.

I've not tried this, but it should be visually correct.
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Thanks for that. You confirm as I suspected that this requires a modification of the original mesh. As this is a reskin, that is not possible.

So N3V have obsoleted an entire class of repeating splines just by retiring one tag? Very clever!

Alas my work on this wall (and the release permission obtained from the author) is wasted. I guess I'll have to find another wall or seek a commission. This is extremely disappointing! :(

Hi Paul,

Being one of those who is waiting with anticipation for Lavenham in Winter, I've been playing around with this wall and have come to agree with Ian's conclusion. However I have managed to get a better looking wall (without the dividing pillar). If you're interested I'll send you what I've created. I won't be upset if you say "No thanks".


If you get permission from Christian to use his texture, I'll try to knock up an identical wall for you.
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Hi Neil, just seen this, thanks for your efforts. I think you'll need Christian's permission if you want to send a revised version to me. However, a better way may be to simply state what changes you've made to the config in order to produce the result in your screenshot.

Meanwhile, I've been looking for other walls already set up in TS09. Have just downloaded a promising one, so more news soon hopefully.

I haven't tried it but there is a mechanism for attaching a child spline to a track asset which might solve your problem.
On the wiki see http://online.ts2009.com/mediaWiki/index.php5/"attached-splines"_container

Hi Andi,

Compared to you, I'm only a new boy when it comes to content creation but doesn't 'attached-splines' require two separate meshes (i.e. as in two separate kuids).

attached-splines container

lateral-offset 0.0
use-same-direction 1
spline-kuid <NULL>
visual-only 0

That would make it unsuitable as a fix for older content.

I have used it when connecting a road or a piece of rail track to a bridge
Hi Neil, just seen this, thanks for your efforts. I think you'll need Christian's permission if you want to send a revised version to me. However, a better way may be to simply state what changes you've made to the config in order to produce the result in your screenshot.

Hi Paul,
I can't publish the config because it wouldn't make sense with the object as it presently stands. To make it show up correctly it has to be made with a pillar and a wall with a pillar attached, as Ian suggested.

I will email Christian and either get his permission to use his texture or allow him to use my meshes for him to update the wall.
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Yes they are but, if it is possible, it's not clear in the Content Creation Wiki how you use two meshes with the same kuid number.
You don't. Split the asset into two kuids. One is the wall, one is the piers. Make sure that they have the same spacing characteristics and include one of them as an attached spline in the other config.
Thanks, I understand what you are saying and I'll have a play around with that. However the asset is someone else's content so permission will still be required.
One thing to note on the use of the attached-splines container. You need a trainzbuild of 3.7 otherwise it doesn't work.
If one uses the CCP File / New... to create the asset it'll default to build 3.4 and then the attached spline won't show.

Hope this avoids some headaches. :hehe:

Greetings from sunny Amsterdam,

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Thanks Jan,

I think I'll give it a miss then. I'll wait until I see an asset built by a more experienced content creator that contains an 'attached-splines' container.
Thanks everyone for replying. I had noticed the point raised by Andi when I checked the Wiki but couldn't think how you'd attach the pillars as a child spline of the parent, so his explanation is very elegant (shame he isn't the editor of the Wiki!)

Thanks for your efforts Neil. I agree with you that it's probably best to call it a day on this one! However, I've been looking around for some post 2.9 build wall splines to see if there's anything suitable and I've come across this:


Let's see if I can get permission, then maybe I can finally upload the route! :eek:
