TurfX - Red Circle at Intersection


Well-known member
On my system the "painting circle" shows red anytime it is centered on the the intersection of four grids. Is this normal?

Also, are their any instructions other than the WIKI, which is not up-to-date. It is more of a description that an instruction.

And, what is the way to set height of turf. Some of the settings that look rational for that setting do weird things.

On the positive side, the effect is not bad when you add in a few splines for reality. Otherwise it looks like someone is spending a lot of money to keep a lot of grass trimmed to the proper height.
That happens if you are using too small a circle to paint with, just enlarge it very slightly.
I am in "white circle mode". But, when I am centered on an intersection the circle goes red. Not a major item. The flickering is annoying when moving the circle around. I know so little about the Turf stuff it is probable a cockpit error.


Discovered that this only happens when using the smallest allowable (non-red) signal. Easy to fix with slightly larger select circle.
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