i know, I know, skinning


New member
No, no "really easy way", not really. Some may say that reskinning with a graphics manipulation program is simple, but it's not "Paintshed" simple. It's rather complicated and time consuming and requires a familiarity with the program tools and techniques if you want your reskin to look like anything in the end. I assume you're using Trainz 12, what graphics program do you have?

OK, so this is completely new to me, and has nothing to do with the quoted post, but does have to do with your signature. "Deadliest Kvetch?" Perfect. Where do you get these ideas?
Very well done!

Thanks, but alas, it's far less original than I would like. It's not that I stole it from anyone, but independently thought it up a few years ago. Turns out others have independently thought it up as well. I'll change the name when I receive the "cease and desist" letter, but until then, it remains!