corona error


Trainz Veteran
im trying to make an ATLS pedestrian traffic signal, that has a timer, a red hand and white walking man. the "HandRed" corona says "error,
"timercorona1","timercorona2","timercorona3" has timer conflict with asset kuid "<kuid2:84919:100354>" at delay node 1,2,3.
can somebody tell me why after "4", the timer numbers"1,2, and 3 dont respond to the delay node?
thx, jason
the asset kuid is the red hand

i fixed the problem, but the coronas are going to show like a bazillion messages when you set the timer's time under 3. another message states that corona 3, 2, and 1 may cause fatal errors and crash trainz. if you have patch 49922 or below, this is possible. i set a debug script, and ran a trainzfix software, and the coronas got fixed. it can be overloaded if there are more than 27 ATLS channels that activate trfc lights green. otherwise, its okay i guess.


P.S. DO NOT set the ped light's timer delay over 100, as this can cause lots of errors, immidiately crashing trainz.
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