content creating


Thunder Rails Productions
Rant of the day: some on the forums these days don't really know how much it takes to learn about creating for the simulation. I myself have tried to learn how to even do a simple box. With all the helpful information about it and I still can't get it to go right. So with me asking for help in exporting a model from sketch8 and getting flak for it is just childish to the ones that are responding to the requests to build it or help build it the rest of the way. I really don't care if this is not a CoC but it's how most of the people that have tried to learn how to even create a box and import it into the simulation feel
There are tons of tutorials out there on how to learn. If your interested in learning, look for some. When your just starting out don't worry if it's not a "Trainz" tutorial; work on just learning the software and how to model in general; then figure out how to get your models into Trainz. If you really want you could look into your local Community College (or university if your at one) for some courses in 3D modeling, they're often listed under 'Animation'

Sketchup is a good tool, but it isn't design or even really good for making models for games. That's the primary reason it gets so much flak around here. If you really want to use sketchup look on the forums for the exporter plugin (I'm drawing a blank on it's name).
yes thats it boyerm25, and i have it with my sketch8

i took 3D drawing class in high school and failed. these 3D programs are too much for lil me to comprehend. and im sure the people asking for things to be made had tried to do the same thing with similar end results. i turned to sketch8 for making buildings and i think it does have potential. but thats provided that you have the importer to make the model go into blender. i envy all the people on here that create the fine models free or payware. without you all doing it i think Trainz would still be stuck in beta. but somethimes even the best made lesson isnt good enough for someone to learn from. my final word on this are if you want to point out that they need to learn blender or any trainz 3d program, please please use the pm. it seams less hostile,makes the people that are pointing the ones that can learn 3d modeling more helpful, and it just makes the forum look more friendly to anyone that wants to try the sim. it doesnt hurt to ask but it hurts to have a bad answer