Your thoughts on my system (A very happy Ktain)


Active member

I just bought a 1200 dollar powerspec desktop, featuring the 6700k i5, a GTX 1070, and 16gb of ram, as well as a 400gb ssd for storage. I also plugged in a 1tb external hdd with a USB 3.0.

Im currently downloading TANE, so let me know your thoughts on my system.

I also did some benchmarks.

the crew calling all units, ultra settings, is locked at 60 FPS.

just cause 3 also holds a solid 55-60fps during intense fight scenes.

thats all I've done.
6700k i5? 6700k is an i7 or did you mean 6600K which is the i5.

Either way shouldn't have any problems with TANE.
I have the same spec but with a standard 1TB HD, no problems with TANE at all, just fiddle with the settings to get it just right for your personal taste.
Congrats! Looks like a good, solid system for running T:ANE at high-to-ultra settings levels.
The GTX 1070 is an excellent graphics card with a great bang-for-the-buck reputation.
(I'm loving my one - it made a world of difference to the smoothness and framerates experience in T:ANE).

I am very happy with my system and free copy of tom Clancys ghost recon wild lands game that came with the GPU.

any ideas on how to keep my system running problem free for a few years?
did some bench marks on TANE.

All the settings tuned all the way up, the game holds a solid 60 fps on demanding routes like Hinton, using demanding engines like the Ocemy Berk DLC engines.

Really, really loving it.