You may not post attachments????? Why is this a restriction for me?


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Evening all, I posted pictures couple times in the past, now I see this on bottom of forum menu......Ideas anyone?
No, I also have the same restriction. AFAIK it has always been the case.

PS: "no attachments" does not mean "no pictures".


Picture posted above.
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The *No attachments* means you can't upload directly to the post as it also takes forum bandwidth, so a 3rd party site is preferred, it's like this on most forums.

Mojave Sub Walong Stall Pic (1024x768)


:) This from Mojave Sub Route, "Walong Stall" session I started playing with this week. Please let me know if I did this ok.

Thanks for your help, I finally figured the rest out.
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:cool:Thank you all, glad my pick worked out.....:hehe:sometimes it just takes a little longer for me to catch on!:o

BTW.....I bought:mop: Donner Pass from TrainzItalia yesterday, Ive wanted this route for such a long time, :cool: along with Avery Drexel Route (Yes I know AVERY DREXEL only works in TANE) trust me, I not headed their anytime soon! I have enough to learn in TS12 Trainz LOL........Especially in Content Mgr, one very powerful program, I learn a little bit more each time I use it.

:confused:Awh! Just had a thought, when one runs the missing dependencies filter, it comes up, you open one asset in Main Window, and say it shows 200 assets, and probably 50 r missing, but the missing has them shown as on the Download Station, short of picking them invidividally to drop load in DL hlpr window, is there a filter or something I can setup, so in this list, it would only show the ones missing. Then I do a select all and drop in Download Helper!

:(One of the reasons I ask this, in Donner Pass yesterday, even with complete CDP pkgs include, (6-7) individual ones after main CDP was installed, I still had 395 missing assets to download from DL station? I did it, but it took me probably an hour or so picking them 395 individual ones out of 1500 asset list for Donner Pass?

;)I'm not complaining, if that is the way it is, so be it, I would like to be smarter in the way I execute the work flow.
... when one runs the missing dependencies filter, it comes up, you open one asset in Main Window, and say it shows 200 assets, and probably 50 r missing, but the missing has them shown as on the Download Station, short of picking them invidividally to drop load in DL hlpr window, is there a filter or something I can setup, so in this list, it would only show the ones missing. Then I do a select all and drop in Download Helper!

In TS12 there is no way I know of that will group all the missing dependencies that are on the DLS into one block that you can then select and drop into the DL window in one go, although you can now do this in T:ANE. Your suggested solution of selecting all the dependencies and DL'ing them all would work as those that you already have installed will be skipped over in the DL. One advantage of this method is that any dependent assets that you already have that have an updated version on the DLS will be updated.
Just had a thought, when one runs the missing dependencies filter, it comes up, you open one asset in Main Window, and say it shows 200 assets, and probably 50 r missing, but the missing has them shown as on the Download Station, short of picking them invidividally to drop load in DL hlpr window, is there a filter or something I can setup, so in this list, it would only show the ones missing. Then I do a select all and drop in Download Helper!

You can pick multiple items from the list, either as a block using Shift, or one by one using Ctrl. Then right click and Download, or drag the whole selection to the download helper pane.

You could add a filter 'Installed / False' to remove those ones you already have installed.

In T:ANE, you can sort by Status to get all the missing items grouped.