Yet another TADD problem


19 Years of Trainz
Started up CMP (Ts2012SP1HF4 build 61388) and got this once I was logged in:


Then, almost immediately TADD went NUTS! It spewed out thousands of errors all related (I think) to the GSC error shown in the image above. All of them cited errors in a script. During this sudden deluge of crud, I was totally unable to get anything to work in CMP. I let it run for an hour and it was still writing crud to the window.

Here is an example:


Any clues as to what this junk is? I have not changed anything at all, nor have I updated anything.

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A broken update will do this. I had an updated script from TRAM___ do this once or twice so check for faulty a asset.

Whatever <kuid2:587483:300033:2> is might be the culprit.

Just had a look at that KUID. There's a newer version available (:3) - if you can, download the update and see if that helps.

I saw the update also. I went out and got it, but I had to actually delete the old one before TADD would stop going crazy. I thought that was strange since updating to a new version should essentially eliminate the old one. Could be that the old one was locked into TADD until it finished 'validating' the cruddy version first. I suspect that the creator forgot something in the script, or didn't link it properly.

Oh well. Things seem to have calmed down now
