Started up CMP (Ts2012SP1HF4 build 61388) and got this once I was logged in:
Then, almost immediately TADD went NUTS! It spewed out thousands of errors all related (I think) to the GSC error shown in the image above. All of them cited errors in a script. During this sudden deluge of crud, I was totally unable to get anything to work in CMP. I let it run for an hour and it was still writing crud to the window.
Here is an example:
Any clues as to what this junk is? I have not changed anything at all, nor have I updated anything.

Then, almost immediately TADD went NUTS! It spewed out thousands of errors all related (I think) to the GSC error shown in the image above. All of them cited errors in a script. During this sudden deluge of crud, I was totally unable to get anything to work in CMP. I let it run for an hour and it was still writing crud to the window.
Here is an example:

Any clues as to what this junk is? I have not changed anything at all, nor have I updated anything.
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